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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Hamster Supplies for your Syrian Hamster

First and foremost, hamsters love to climb.

Hamsters love to climb the bars of their metal cages, and you can also buy toys or ladders like the Critter Universe Ladder that your hamster can climb on in or out of the cage. You can provide your hamster with fun by placing an empty towel paper tube from a roll inside the cage.
Your hamster will probably enjoy making tunnels with the towel paper roll tubes. Of course, buy more permanent tubes and tunnels in various lengths and shapes - the most popular brand being Critter Universe.

The nicest type bedding for your hamster home is wood shavings available in several varieties. Unscented natural pine, aspen, chlorophyll and cedar shavings will all work well for Syrian Hamsters. They are toxin-free and absorbent.
Some Syrian hamsters are sensitive to cedar shavings and could cause skin irritations on hamsters. Avoid bedding materials made of cotton cloth or other fluffy material, as the hamster may eat this, and it can't be broken down by the hamsters digestive system. It could also get tangled around your hamsters neck proving to be very dangerous.

In their natural habitat, hamsters like to dig burrows and sleep underground. In a cage, your hamster will feel better with a box or house they can use for a nest. This "house" can be made out of wood or ceramic, or even some types of hard plastic.

Give your pet hamster some tissue or straw to build a nest with. Avoid using shredded newspaper, because the ink may be harmful to your pet. Make the hamster cage as comfortable for your pet hamster as possible.

Most hamsters love sand. Hamsters are naturally from desert areas, and enjoy taking sand baths. Your hamster would enjoy it if you put a ceramic bowl full of clean sand in the cage.
Don't forget to keep your hamsters cage away from direct sunlight and cold drafts.

Make sure to keep your hamsters cage out of the reach of other pets, such as dogs or cats or even rabbits!

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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Hermit Crabs are Pets - a Getting Started Guide

My youngest son came home today and insisted that we get a new pet. - A pet HERMIT CRAB, he said.

An intriguing thought. A hermit crab makes a wonderful pet, I told him - but there are a few things to learn first:

First and foremost is your hermit crab habitat. The goal when setting up a home for your crab is to mimic a native tropical climate. Temperature and humidity regulation are key to a land hermit crabs survival.

Temperature & Humidity Guidelines for Hermit Crabs

Temperature: 70-80 degrees F (78 degrees F is ideal)
Humidity: 70-80%

Having a saturated sea sponge in your crabs home can help keep the proper humidity level. Buy a thermometer and hygrometer (measures humidity) so that you can monitor these two important environmental conditions daily.

Land hermit crabs breathe with modified gills and if temperature and/or humidity fluctuate too severely, it can be fatal.
Choose a spot in your home for your crabhome where you will see your crabs often, making it easier to remember to feed, water and look after them. Remember .. a dog will bark when he is hungry, but a crab is completely dependant on your feeding him.

Remember that Hermit Crabs are nocturnal, and will be livelier at night so a bedroom is usually a horrible place to keep the crabitat.
Hermit crabs need enough space for the essentials:
Well, after a thorough explanation of the above, my son convinced. We are about to become Crabineers! Stay tuned for our exciting story!


Friday, May 15, 2009

GPS Dog Tracking - Petsafe's GPS Collar

GPS Tracking products for your dog are popping up everywhere and we think it's about time an "easy to understand overview" was developed for dog owners that are interested in the technology.

Global Positioning System (GPS) tracking was originally developed by the U.S. Department of Defense. The satellite-based system is extremely accurate, typically pinpointing a location within a few meters.

Use the PetSafe GPS Locator to quickly and easily track your dog and bring her or him home.

GPS dog collars give you the power to find your dog any time. The PetSafe® GPS Locator™ is a powerful GPS dog tracker that will give you the peace of mind that you can always find your pet using assisted global positioning system (AGPS) tracking and two-way wireless technology.

With easy-to-use and understand features and a dedicated live support team standing by 24/7/365, we make it easy to pinpoint your dog's location.

Once you've established a Home Zone™ area for your dog, the system will notify you whenever he crosses the Home Zone boundaries.

If you do receive an escape alert via phone, email or text message, call us. A PetSafe Customer Care Specialist will stay on the line and work with you until you and your pet have been reunited. You get the peace of mind that comes with our GPS dog collar technology and 24/7 service that makes tracking your dog quick and easy.

Best of all, the PetSafe GPS Locator comes with a money-back guarantee. If you're not completely satisfied with our GPS dog tracking system, simply return it within the first 30 days for a full refund.

Product Features:
Monitors and updates your dog's location 24/7/365
Lets you define your pet's boundaries
Notifies you when your dog leaves his boundaries
Is easy to use
Typical battery life of 4-5 days
Durable and water resistant GPS dog collar
Comes with an around-the-clock support team
Limited lifetime warranty Guaranteed
30-day risk-free trial period

Buy this collar at GregRobert Pet Supplies and save $5.00 INSTANTLY with coupon code: facebook


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Selecting a Rabbit Cage or Hutch for your Pet Rabbit

It's an important decision for Pet Rabbit owners and it's a decision that shouldn't be taken lightly!

Many of the problems with rabbit hygiene-related diseases, rabbit arthritis, boredom, and depression in rabbits can be linked to unsuitable housing.

If you have made a decision to purchase and keep a house rabbit, you must provide your rabbit(s) with appropriate housing. Although we do not claim to be vet's, the following recommendations will suffice in providing a living space that keeps your pet rabit happy and healthy.

The Bigger Rabbit Hutch or Rabbit Cage, the Better

If selecting a rabbit cage to make your rabbit's home, we suggest choosing the biggest cage that you can provide for him or her. The rabbit cage needs to be large enough for your rabbit to lie down completely stretched out at a minimum. It should also be high enough so your rabbit does not hit his head on the top of the home. Remember that your rabbit will be growing, if you have acquired him or her at infancy. Why waste money now on a small hutch or cage that will not work in a couple of years?

At a minimum, the rabbit home should be at least three times as large as the rabbit, and it should be even larger if he is not let out of his cage for exercise on a regular basis.

Think of the cage or hutch as a home - it should be large enough to do the following activities: sleeping, exercising, waste (poops and peeps in a litter box), and food/water areas for dinner.

Remember, do not select a cage based upon the size of a baby rabbit. Research the size that he or she will eventually mature to, and choose a home based on that. If you have a restricted amount of floor space in your own house, consider a two-level rabbit cage or hutch, with a ramp connecting the two levels.

Rabbits need cages with good ventilation and a way for the rabbit to view the world. Do NOT use an aquarium or cage with all solid sides. A wire rabbit cage can be an excellent choice, but make sure it has no sharp edges and no plastic coating for your pet rabbit to chew. Chewing the coating can make your rabbit sick.

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Monday, May 4, 2009

Can the Swine Flu Infect your Cat or Dog or other Pet?

Overall, the answer to this question that many pet owners are worrying about is "NO".

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals released a statement a couple of days ago saying the virus, which seems to have originated in Mexico, "appears to present a low risk of infecting cats and dogs." The American Veterinary Medical Association also is saying "there is no evidence that pets are susceptible to this new strain of influenza."

"At this time there is no data demonstrating any risk of dogs and cats contracting this strain of the virus," says Dr. Louise Murray, the Director of Medicine at the ASPCA's Bergh Memorial Hospital in New York City. "However, owners of pet pigs, as well as farmers, should monitor their animal's health more closely during this outbreak. Steps to limit possible transmission from humans to pigs and vice versa are recommended."

The "Swine Flu" is a strain of Influenza Type A. While the normal version of "Swine Flu" causes outbreaks of influenza with low mortality rates in pigs, the strain which is currently causing human deaths is not the same virus.

The new strain combines genes from human, pig, and bird flu and is similar to the strain that caused "Spanish Flu", responsible for a human pandemic in 1918.

"Swine Flu" is an entirely different virus to the "Bird Flu" which was widely talked about last year, and among the most important differences is that "Bird Flu" infected humans who had direct contact with infected birds, where as "Swine Flu" is being transmitted from human to human.

Even though the experts are saying that your pet CANNOT get the swine flu, you should contact your veterinarian any time your pet develops symptoms of a respiratory infection.

If your pet suffers from allergies, try Homeopet's Allergy Relief - Pet Nose Relief pictured above.

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